Dear Cindy and Barbara,
It was great to get the note you sent. I just went to the web site you’ve set-up and think it’s terrific! As you can see from the picture, I did attend the last reunion and had a great time.
I’ve been living on the west coast of Florida (Sarasota) for the last 9 years. My wife and I have two children, Michael (age 19) and Christopher (age 17). Their high school days have brought back many of my own memories. The late 60’s and early 70’s was a generation of people whom this new generation seems to emulate. My younger guy wears his hair the same way I did, and love’s to listen to music from our generation. The days spent from 1970 – 1974 were indeed, very happy moments.
Cindy and I actually go back to grade school together. Although I’m 51 now the memories of those early years still seem clear. I enjoyed my childhood/ teenager years very much and would love to share the “old times” with the gang.
From a work perspective, I am employed by GE and run their global fire detection business. It’s a $500 million business unit which keeps my life pretty busy. Yea, I know you’re probably saying he didn’t impress me in high school, but I was a late bloomer. It’s better to be lucky than smart, and I’ve been lucky.
Life here in Florida is very pleasant – at least this time of the year. I haven’t adjusted to the summer humidity (and never will), but right now it’s sunny and 70. Our home is only about 2 hours from Disney World. We have a guest bedroom so if you or your families are ever close please give me a call. The water in Sarasota bay is beautiful and Siesta Key beach has the whitest sand in the world. We have a speed boat and last year the boy’s talked me into a pair of Jet Ski’s. A visit could be fun!
Again, thanks for organizing another reunion. I know it’s a great deal of work but it will be greatly appreciated. Let me know if I can help.
Best regards,
Steve Hein
Dear Alba,
Thank you for taking the initiative and making this 35 year reunion happen. After moving some things around, I now plan to attend and look forward to seeing many old friends. My memory of Fort Lee High remains vivid and I log on to the homepage with increasing frequency. I will even start to look for some old photos.
The person I have stayed in contact with most frequently is Joe Tarrella, so I have received tid-bits of news over
the years. I saw that Larry Vigarito and Murry Sabin passed away. This saddened me deeply. These were my
friends since grammer school #4, after we immigrated from Switzerland to Fort Lee. I used to play ball with them, and also Ron Crow, almost every afternoon regardless of the weather. It drove my mother crazy, but it was why I became a "jock".
I know how Ron died and it shocked us at the time. Any news on Larry or Murry?
I look forward to these updates so thank you again.
Although I confess that I left Fort Lee without looking back, I have enjoyed visiting this site and learning about who our classmates
are today. Thanks to the Reunion Committee for organizing this event and website.
As for me, I went straight from college to law school and then to NYC where I practiced law for about 10 years. I got married in 1988 and left my law practice in 1989. My daughter was born in 1990. When she was still a toddler, I decided to go back to school and got my MBA in 1994. For the next several years I ran a small publishing company and wrote several books about raising kids in NYC. I
spent a number of years on the NY parenting speaker circuit. During that time, I became increasingly involved in the non-profit world, serving on various boards,and in pro-choice politics. My second child, a son, was born in 1994.
In 2003, I teamed up with my college roommate to start a non-profit organization, Girls Learn International--a school-based service learning initiative focused on the issue of universal girls education. Today, we are in 63 schools. I also returned to practicing law last
year. My daughter is graduating from high school in May and we are delighted that she will be going to college at my alma mater, Cornell University. My son is in 7th grade and I am thrilled not to have to relive the college application process for another few years.
Diane Chernoff Rosen
I am having way more fun here on this fabulous web page than I ever did in High School!
Thanks to all of you who worked on it.
Yoga is my life & love. I've got myself a cute Yoga boy friend, we met when I was still in my 40's. We share our life together in the Sierra Nevada foothills in California. I own a Yoga studio, my baby, she'll be 4 in August. I also teach Yoga at our local Community College.
I have no business savvy ...I wish I had paid more attention to Ms. Schnefel (?) in Intermediate School. Does anyone remember her famous line "math is your vehicle to life"?
My life is fun, relaxing, clear and the Tuolomne River.I'll be in Fort Lee for the first 2 weeks in June, drop me an e if you want to hang out.
Dear F.L.H.S. Class of 1974,
I would like to extend an invitation to any classmate in Midtown Manhattan to
visit me in
my Dental Office ! Please call
to schedule this date. Ask to speak to me personally!
Telephone (212) 481-4200
The address is 286 Madison Ave
(at 40th Street).
Joseph G. Haggar D.D.S.
As far as what I should say in exposing myself to the world...I am currently single (never married, no children), have a college degree in architecture, then later became a consultant in the profession for several years, now and for the past 13 years I have been selling antiques and collectibles on eBay and the local flea markets, I manage family owned laundromats as well as some commercial property, metal detecting is one of my hobbies, I still live in Fort Lee...that's it in a nutshell.
If you want to e-mail me, my address is (please put FLHS in the subject line).
My phone number is:(201) 886-9469.
Thank you for getting back to me and hope to reunite with the class next year.
Paul Hatten
Steve Hein,
Very coincidentally,I live in Venice (FL) and used to teach at SCTI. Now I am on the managerial track at Lowes, currently in hardware.
Thank you Alba and everyone else for organizing the reunion.
If I was a zoo animal the caption would say " Tom Daurizio in his native habitat " Dolly is about a 125 pound Rottweiler and one of my best friends, she doesn't let anyone approach the house except me. I've been 28 years in Postal Service in Glen Rock NJ.
Hi Alba:
My wife and I just had a baby girl last November. Her name is Rebecca.. Since I’m not the most adept person at emailing attachments I will send you baby and Mom shots for now because they are already in my system. I’ll follow up with a family shot later but, frankly, the lookers in this family are already attached. As you’ll see Rebecca is now an official good luck charm for the NY Giants, rooting them to a Super Bowl Championship at her first SB party.
FYI, a short overview of what I’ve been up to since the last reunion. I am President of a company called Aaries-Pyramid, LLC, a printing and graphic design firm in Lincoln Park, NJ. I started my own business, Aaries Print And Visual Communications, Inc, in 1989 and merged with another company earlier this year. My family also lives in Lincoln Park. We have a 3 year old Golden Retriever named Sasha. We split time between NJ and our Summer house in Rehoboth Beach, DE.
I don’t see very many people from the high school days. Actually just two. Tony Kupilik and Dominic Santaite. I believe they are both coming to the Reunion. They actually both told me about the event.
Looking forward to seeing everyone. The Clinton Inn was an excellent choice. I don’t know if the party will be at the new restaurant but, if so, they have great food. My Uncle lives in Norwood and I meet him there for dinner regularly.
Thanks and take care,
Bruce Sherbert
June 29, 2008
Alba I hope you got the Pix some kids not from our class but they where friends of mine. I have read some correspondence on the site, some people say they left and never looked back. Well the best friends in my life are from Fort Lee hung out with them then and now. The memories are endless and when Nancy and I get together with Luanne & Anthony, Joan & Bernie,Al & Judy,and Sharon who by the way, is my oldest friend (1965) to now except Neil who is my cousin. We have the greatest times just talking about growing up. We laugh so much. By the way I still live in a town with the letters FL. Thanks for all you and the committee are doing see you all soon.
Michael DeCarlo

Here is my pride and joy my Wfe and three daughters
July 9, 2008
Really looking forward to our 35th reunion.. Thank you to Alba and all my fellow classmates, on the committee for all their work to make it a great success.." All my Best"
Michael Lionetto
Hi Alba!
Just a quick note...
A couple of weeks ago, an ol friend of mine, Pierre Revelant, from 7th and 8th grade through the first couple of years of high school, contacted me by somehow getting through to my brother first on the Internet. We did manage to connect in real life, something we had not done for approximately many, many years. We chewed the fat for about 8 hours at his place, rehashing the old memories of how we were (OMG). Naturally, it was a shock to see how we matured and grew (or ahem, not!). Pierre had decided to join the army when he turned 18, which would perhaps explain why there is no photo or record of him, or that I am aware of.
Afterwards, I realized how we used to hang out a lot with another person (and others too, of course). That other person was Mike Hawkins (which, by the way, he is alive and well but for your info, he expressed to me he will not be attending the upcoming reunion).
Because his name came up quite a bit and I knew just where to find Mike, I met up with him and we three got together last Sunday at his place. It was like the devil meeting with a saint, albeit comical in many ways. I, of course, acted diplomatic or silent for the most part, if you will, and just enjoyed listening to these two. But mind you, I did not escape condemnation from Mike. Finally he did say he would "pray for the both of us". Ah, now you can guess who the saint is!
As an added note, a fourth person's name came up quite a bit in our conversation...Courtney Jameison. We often wondered what ever happened to him. Maybe Courtney's whereabouts will surface one day, hopefully in a positive light, and the hopes of another mini reunion can evolve, allowing the devil and the saint to perform another reenactment of this Sunday past. Courtney's destiny is going to be at the mercy of us, it seems. And when this day happens, if it should, I will try to remain on the side lines, praying for forgiveness from Mike and escaping the wrath of Pierres' ways. God help me.
Thought you'd appreciate this little news update.
Take care,
Paul Hatten
Hi Alba,
I have been living in Michigan for the past 17 years. I am married and have two boys ages 19 and 17. I recently had a reunion with Charlotte Sadel. I remembered from the last reunion memories book that she lived in Maryland and contacted her when I was going to visit D.C. This is a picture of us meeting for the first time since high school graduation. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
Steven Zinderman
Thank you so much for all your hard work
Bill and I had lunch with Teri and Rosemarie
last month it was a blast.
We all are waiting very anxiously for May.
Neil Schatz
Hi Alba,
I've been in touch through you since you started this website. Thank you for bringing back so many memories that I have been able to share with my kids. My daughter Melissa who turns 28 this September is a preschool teacher in Holmdel,NJ and loves children...can't wait for her to settle down and start her own....she loves the company of her friends, the Philly Eagles and keeps track of her brothers team. My son Jon is 25 and is the Men's Basketball Operations person at Towson University, Towson Maryland. This is his 2nd year there and loves what he does. He's been coaching basketball since her graduated High School. His freshman year of College he coached Freshman B'ball at Middletown High School South then onto Metuchen High School JV and ass't for Varsity. He graduated Monmouth University with a degree in History and Education with a goal to coach College Basketball one day. He went to his 1st Final Four this year and was in his glory. I am a Paralegal in Hazlet, not too far from home, for Real Estate Attorney (she passed the bar and worked in New York with JFK Jr. as ADA's together). Ahem the market is dead???? we had our best year last year as people are moving into Middlesex and Monmouth counties. My husband John is a Senior Loan Officer with Advisors Mortgage, he graduated in '73, played basketball for FLHS. John and I are looking forward to seeing and catching up with oldfriends and talking to new ones as well, thanks to you and the rest of the committee.
Talk soon,
Georgia Kalivas Korellis
I still am the 17-year old Clark which is why it always comes as a bit of a shock to look in the mirror and see an old, bald guy looking back! No complaints, though; life is better than ever. Er... as long as I avoid mirrors, that is!
I'm still friends with Allan Kauders and Hank Steinberg, and we've gotten together a few times over the years. Terry Gagliastro and I send each other E-mails from time to time. And I've had sporadic contact with Peter Psillas, Allan Boyer, Carol-Anne Blackwood, and maybe a few others. Some of these reconnections came about due to Jonathan Harris' amazing feat of tracking down a HUGE number of former members of the FLHS Chorus.
In any event, I found out about this reunion from Cindy Sherman, who tracked me down through Facebook, and, as I wrote on the FLHS Reunion Facebook page, I will not be attending because I live too far away. I am a professor of music composition and classical guitar at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada.
I was only at FLHS for two years -- grades 10 and 11 -- but I think it is amazing that some of the best friends I ever had were made during those years!
Let me see... what else? I have three kids; a daughter from my first marriage who will be beginning university in a week, and two boys, ages 3 and 7, from my current (and wonderful!) marriage to Jennifer, a professor of Religious Studies whose area is religion and popular culture.
Waaay too much information, probably, but I thought I'd share it with you in case you were curious!
Good luck with the reunion!
Dear Alba,
Meanwhile I have been following the efforts of yourself and the other members of the reunion planning committee for quite some time - always fascinated by the idea of attending and at the same time not really sure how to get there, after all it's not just an afternoons drive to New Jersey from here. So a definite decision has not been made until today but I'm working on it thinking about combining it with a longer vacation travelling through part of the southeastern states and ending the trip at the reunion. Having been a student at Fort Lee High only for a little less than two years and having returned to Germany in my junior year I'm really wondering who might still remember me and whom I might really recognize. I will have to check some old school papers before I come! My most vivid remeberences are those of the choir - not only was the rehearsal room my home room but those hours in choir when we were at a reunioin in one of the neighboring towns (unfortunately I don't remember which one) or rehearsing for the Pirates of Penzance and for Carousel were some of the best moments I had in that time. Asside of this I'm still proud of my experiment in biology testing the development of sunflower plants under radiation.
Unfortunately (asside of some school papers) I don't seem to have any good records of my time in Fort Lee. I had to search my parents' home for some pictures taken at the time and compared to modern times people (at least people of our family including me) seem to have economized on film - finding out this was a very strange experience since I always thought of myself as someone who liked to take photos. I finally found two old pictures taken in those years which I scanned and attach to this mail together with two which were taken "more recently" (people still don't seem to like to take photos of me) and I hope the reduction in size which I used for this mail makes them fit into your system.
When I returned to Germany in 1972 I finished school in Dortmund graduating from Gymnasium in 1975 (we had 13 years of school) and thereafter went to CAU University in Kiel a habour town at the Baltic sea to become a lawyer. For my doctoral thesis I collected some evidence of the reception of Montesquieu the French lawyer - philosopher and some very few I even found in two early rulings of the US Supreme Court written by Joh Marshall. I started my career at the legal department of a bank in Berlin, did some export financing by counter and barter trade and the went into reale estate as the MD of one of the bank's subsidiaries. Today I'm still living in Berlin working as one of the managing partners of Catella Property Group in Germany and one of the two MDs to Catella's new subsidiary in Poland. Catella is a Swedish transaction consultancy group positioned to share the knowledge of classical brokerage houses and investment banks. Our clients are normally institutional investors most of them active on an international level. My wife and I have been married for 27 years now, our son is at University since some time and our daughter starts at University this October. Both have been exchange students in the United states for one year, our son Gregor at Lafayette High in Williamsburg VA and our daughter Christine at Bishop Kelly in Boise ID.
Now I guess - this was enough bragging as you encouraged us to do. I hope I didn't overdo it. It would be nice to hear from my classmates and find out who shared some of my classes. Some of the names I believe to remeber must belong to students who were one or two years older whom I meet in some classes which I took prematurely to aviod problems after returning to Germany in those subjects (Chemistry and Physics) or in choir. By the way I was back in Fort Lee roughly 25 years after I left it on a sentimental journey I took with Allan Kauders who was and is living in CT and we went into the high school building at that time - it was late in the afternoon and some kids were rehearsing for Miss Saigon - which was quite a funny experience. And of course we went to Fort Lee with the kids in July 2003 when we made a tour up the east coast starting in Williamsburg and turning around in Arcadia N. P. in Maine to return home via Kennedy Airport in New York.
Last but certainly not least I would like to thank you and the other members of the committee for all the efforts you are going through in preparing this venue. I have been doing something similar on a much smaller scale for my class in Germany - which had only some 30 members all either living still in the vicinity of Dortmund or having family still living there which must have made it much easier! We just had to make some arrangements with a restaurant and send e-mails to everybody. Getting answers was the most burdensome of the tasks!
So I wish you all the best and unlimited success
With best regards to everybody
Frank Herdmann
Hi Alba,
I've been in touch through you since you started this website. Thank you for bringing back so many memories that I have been able to share with my kids. My daughter Melissa who turns 28 this September is a preschool teacher in Holmdel,NJ and loves children...can't wait for her to settle down and start her own....she loves the company of her friends, the Philly Eagles and keeps track of her brothers team. My son Jon is 25 and is the Men's Basketball Operations person at Towson University, Towson Maryland. This is his 2nd year there and loves what he does. He's been coaching basketball since her graduated High School. His freshman year of College he coached Freshman B'ball at Middletown High School South then onto Metuchen High School JV and ass't for Varsity. He graduated Monmouth University with a degree in History and Education with a goal to coach College Basketball one day. He went to his 1st Final Four this year and was in his glory. I am a Paralegal in Hazlet, not too far from home, for Real Estate Attorney (she passed the bar and worked in New York with JFK Jr. as ADA's together). Ahem the market is dead???? we had our best year last year as people are moving into Middlesex and Monmouth counties. My husband John is a Senior Loan Officer with Advisors Mortgage, he graduated in '73, played basketball for FLHS. John and I are looking forward to seeing and catching up with oldfriends and talking to new ones as well, thanks to you and the rest of the committee.
Talk soon,
Georgia Kalivas Korellis
Alba great to see you in Fort Lee by the sign, you look the same as you did in HS. My email is just in case anyone has any news or are searching for others. Look forward to seeing all in May.
Georgia Kalivas Korellis
Dear Cindy and FLHS Class of 74,
I received an e-mail from Cindy to join your class for this reunion. Thank you for extending the invitation to me. Some of you might remember me...I attended School #2 and Intermediate School then headed off to Bergen Tech. Loved Tech, but must commend your class. By reading your site I can see that you are a close group on some very special levels.
A little about me; for those of you who remember me. Married my high school boyfriend Steve Bojekian in 1980 who was from the Bergen Tech class of 1973 (also from Fort Lee). After developing "post its" with my best friend Laurie Jensen...(kidding) Enjoyed a career in the dental field for 30 years as a dental hygienist and practice sales & management consultant. Now a realtor with Prominent Properties-Sotheby's Int. Realty. Steve and I moved from Fort Lee in 1987 to Franklin Lakes. We have 2 Children, Ninamarie who is a chef and Michael a business major. I am planning on attending and hopefully will get a chance to catch up with some friends. Great Site!
Maria Valavanis Bojekian
This picture is of Steve, Ninamarie, Me & Michael.
(click on photo to enlarge)
Just read the article regarding the FL/CP rivalry etc., I don't know if anyone remembers me running into the Cliffside Park bus after a cheerleader who started a fight with me and pushed my friend down the icy stairs outside the gym after a basketball game. My husband John couldn't run in his "clogs" LOL so he sent Gil Casasnovas after me. Next day I was called into Mr. Spencers office, he told me he expected a big girl to walk in his office, unlike me as I was skinny then. He told me how his wife who was as skinny in HS had the same experience. So after 35 years it's still happening.
Georgia Kalivas Korellis
Hi alba,
I am so appreciative of the records you and others have compiled. Having a video camera way back in the dinosaur age---the mid 70s--certainly placed you among the tech pioneers in our class. What wonderful foresight your dad possessed.
In spite of it being the subject of many tv shows and movies, for me, "the class reunion" has always been alien. not so anymore, as I now I have the opportunity to enjoy one myself. HOWEVER, I will not be attending ours. if by some ever so slight chance I am able to go north (I also live in florida, on the other coast), I will attempt to make contact. I was unaware of the first reunion until i finally explored
Via this site I have the chance to not only rediscover and reflect on my general high school experience, but as well to ponder and appraise my values and priorities, actions, apathy and passions. I had forgotten so much. I am embarrassed many things that I did and I said, by the odd conglomeration of things i thought critical--life or death. Consequently, I propose broaden its marketing by including self-therapy to its list of offerings.
enough for now.
thank you for reading my email.
take care,
(Lisa Black)
Dear Alba,
I guess you can tell I’m not too good on the computer. but there’s a few things I’d like to say and ask you. First how is Diane and her brother mike? He was good friends with my brother Tom. I also knew him well. NOW a few question for you. I know that we all went to school 1. But if I am not mistaken you lived on the hill left side of Main St. going to Edgewater. I know Diane lived on Central road and we lived at 95 main in the same house as the Orlips. Remember the play we had in 6th grade taken from laugh in? Believe it or not my mom still has the program.
I married Nancy Cillo, who I met Jr. year and she was a freshman. we had two beautiful daughters Tara,31 a Masters from Rutgers in ed. and works and runs the program in w.n.y.n.j. And Kristen, 24 who was living in New Orleans, LA. until Katrina. Nancy and myself went there in '04 and loved it. I also lived for awhile in mobile al. and worked off shore in the gulf.
I also must admit I had a lot of problems in my life until the 90,s. I would love to see all you but to be honest I was kinda shy and felt comfortable on Main St. when young and the junction later on. I always liked my classmates and teammates but always had self doubts. I see Dave D. and Bobby B. almost every day.
Alba if you can let me know if you did live on main St. Like I said, I know the Kramers lived on central. Also if you remember Mrs. Murdour 5th grade and Mrs. Neron 6th grade? Excuse me for writing so long but it's been a long time. oh by the way I remember the shade place, 1st national bank and monument park. That’s where I learned to play sports. I am not too good on email but I would like to hear from you or anyone what do you say Tony baberuth? or call 201 218 6958 that’s my cell. Peace and happiness to all my fellow 1973-74ers.
Daniel Viola
I am looking at the correspondence (above) between Danny and Alba.
Danny, it's great to hear from you. The 5th grade teacher who you were talking about was Miss Murtaugh, not Mrs. Murdour. I could never forget her because I got into trouble constantly in that class. I hope to see you at the reunion. Jerry
Jerry Maroules
Dear friends, colleagues, former professors, associates--both from recent times and from long ago and far away who are still in my address book:
It is with a mixture of delight, disbelief, and profound gratitude I announce to you that this week I graduated from the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology of Argosy University-Twin Cities with a PsyD: Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology. I am still trying to get used to being called "Doctor Bailis" but it's gradually growing on me! I'll be attending the commencement ceremony in October.
Some of you who were more involved have either been thanked before and/or will get thanked again. It's a little hard to keep track of everyone who had assisted me in the last few years.
After graduating with an MA in Counseling & Psychological Services from St. Mary's University of Minnesota in 2003, I entered the PsyD program at MSPP / Argosy University-Twin Cities. Last summer I completed an internship in North Dakota--primarily at the University of North Dakota's Counseling Center. My final requirement was completion of my dissertation, "Neurocognitive Impact of Video Game Skill Building," which simply means the impact on adult brains of playing Nintendo's Big Brain Academy for a month.
My next quest is to obtain licensure--two, actually--as an LP (licensed psychologist) and as an LMFT (marriage family therapist). My concentrations while at Argosy were in child psychology and in marriage / family therapy. Due to the coursework and experience I have met the academic prerequisites for both licenses. During the post-doctoral period, I will need to work under supervision for one year plus take applicable licensing exams. So, in the days and weeks ahead I will be seeking employment in a suitable clinic or college counseling center. Please feel free to pass on any tips for here in the greater Minnesota area. I'll also be studying for the EPPP and MFT exams in the moths ahead.
With appreciation to all who have encouraged me all these years, and wishing you the very best in your endeavors,
I am,
Sincerely yours,
Bloomington, MN
Hey Alba,
I'm looking forward to the reunion! All the hard work you and the committee have done is greatly appreciated.
Anyway, we had a mini-reunion of the FLHS wrestling team at Inapoli Restaurant in Fort Lee over the Xmas holidays and I just had some of the photos sent to me. This is most of the team from our junior year and, as you will see, many of the guys are from the Class of '73.
FRONT ROW: (from left) Coach Vince O'Brien, Mike Csorny ('73), Scott Sinclair ('73), Tom Cirone ('73), Larry Moran ('73), Gary Wagner ('74), Dave Desavino ('74)
BACK ROW: (from left) Coach Larry Matteis, Billy Fotos ('73), Carl Dogali ('73), Ron Train ('74)
We also had a couple of surprise guests. Sharon Leahy stopped by although she didn't make any of the pictures.
Anyway, thank again for all of your efforts. See you in May!
Ron Train
I am having a total hip replacement in 2 weeks. I am sure I won't be able to make the reunion. So very sorry, say hello to anyone that remembers me:)
Hi Cindy!
Greetings from Morrison, Colorado at 5,764 feet.
I have many fond memories of Fort Lee High School. I would love to attend the reunion on May 2 but, unfortunately, my schedule will not allow this.
Life has been exciting since leaving Fort Lee. I met the love of my life, Charlie, while living and working in Anchorage, Alaska in 1976. We have been married for almost 31 years and have three talented and beautiful children. I earned my undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Texas and my Masters degree in Sports Medicine from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. We have moved around quite a lot but are now happily settled in Charlie's home state of Colorado. We love the outdoor living that Colorado has to offer but also enjoy spending time at our second home in Estero, Florida. I stay busy managing a family business in Property Management. The past 35 years have been an amazing journey and I am very blessed. My best to all of the class of 1974.
With warmest regards,
Mary Ann Wielkopolski Goodin
Dear Classmates,
After all the work of the committee our reunion is approaching rapidly and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on May 2nd! We really must not forget to thank those of us who have made it happen and put so much work into the organization.
Now I do have a problem and I hope some of you can and will help me resolve it: my memory fails me! It has been such a long time ago that we went to FLHS together and to make it worse I'm terrible at names and people!
So here is what I did: I went into the cellar and found copies of the playbill of the Pirates of Penzance and of Carousel which were performed by the chorus while I was attending it (with me participating: some of you might remember my queer pronunciation of the word "failure" on stage). Who else of our class was "on board"?
And I found my old report cards and therefore can tell you which classes I visited! My home room was no 132 (the rehearsal room of chorus). The classes were:
January - March 1971:
- English 9 with (I think Mrs.?) Kellogg
- English foreigners Mr. or Mrs. Brande
- Algebra 1 with Mrs. Keyser
- IME (what was that?) with (I think Mr.?) Solomon
- Latin 2 with Mrs. Maleska
- Art 1 with Mr. or Mrs. Hill
- PE 9B with Mr. Richardson
March - June 1971:
the above with the exception of Algebra 1, instead
- Algebra 2 with Mr. or Mrs. Kashiwaba
10th Grade from autumn of 71 until Summer of 72:
- English 10 with (I think Mrs.?) Arena
- Biology with Mr. Brunton
- Chemistry with Mr. Sabo
- Physics with Mr. Garbarini
- Math. Analysis with Mr. or Mrs. Petrick
- Chorus with Mr. Long
- and BPE TRF (?) with Mr. Spence
Who can help me to get my memory back? Who was in any of my classes? Please write to if any of the above looks familiar to you!
Best regards from
Frank (Herdmann)
Both my wife and I are retired and enjoying life, traveling as much as we can.
Never had many friends in high school but I'm thrilled to read about my classmates and look forward to meeting all of them.
Im currently working on helping people and communities achieve successful and healthful goals.
Im the training coordinator for the School Resource Officers Association of New Jersey.
In addition, I train and prepare businesses in crisis management prevention and develop community wide programs to address substance abuse issues.
Loving life and glad to take part of this event.
Thanks again for all your hard work!
Gary Moleta
Jett, Beatrix and Cindy tracked me down and I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion! Here's very recent photo of me. I can't wait to see everyone at the reunion!
Margie (Korman) Kass
I would like to thank Alba, Cindy and the reunion staff for the effort they have put into organinzing the reunion and creating this website. I look forward to meeting everyone.
I have been teaching math as an adjunct instructor at Paradise Valley CC and other Maricopa County Community Colleges for a number of years.
Bob Senzer
Dear Cindy, Alba, Jerry and the class of '74,
Now that it looks as though I'm actually going to be able to make the reunion, I thought I'd write a little about what I've been up to these many years.
First, special kudos to all those that have put so much time and effort into making this reunion happen! It's been a lot of work for you and I know we all appreciate it very much. The website is astounding! I particularly enjoyed taking the music quiz (hope I win a prize LOL).
I've been married twice, and have been happily divorced from #2 for over 12 years now. I have two wonderful children, Michael, and Rachel. The light of my heart is my grandson, Jimmie, who turned 6 this February.
I moved to Montana in 1977 and no, the dental floss tycoon business didn't work out LOL ... so I went into various other areas with special interest and time placed in emergency services work. I was a firefighter, EMT, Fire Investigator, and instructor in various areas, including having served as Training Officer, for several departments. In addition, I also was a Team Lead for a multi-county Fire Investigations Task Force. Now, that was all volunteer work. To make a living, I've done everything from calling KENO when I first hit the state, to running a law firm many years later. I've owned a small restaurant, and just prior to leaving Montana for Maryland in 2002, was a Lead 9-1-1 Dispatcher and Training Officer.
I decided to head to Maryland to be closer to what I have always counted as my first home of NJ/NYC, in 2002, having gone to the World Trade Center just after the attacks on 9/11, as a volunteer offering peer support counseling as a member of the Port Authority's Critical Incident Stress Management Team. On contract to the Soldiers of Biological and Chemical Command center in Aberdeen, Maryland, I was later offered a contract to work in Iraq, which I took with great anticipation. It's been quite a ride ever since and I've witnessed the wonderful and magnificent to the heart-breaking and greed which is all too prevalent with some war profiteering companies. I served in various capacities; initially as a Team Leader in Qatar with a group of Arabic Linguists who were translating documents from Iraq into English and then forwarding them to various intelligence agencies in the States. My most recent deployment designated me as a Human Resource Manager for the linguists who are laying down their lives, side by side, with the military who we all serve. It's been an incredible adventure, and one I still hope to continue with, Enshalla (God Willing in Arabic), perhaps in Afghanistan.
I had my little house rented for 5 of the 7 years I've been gone from it, and since it did not sell (yup, the economy has hit even Montana), have recently decided to remodel, repair and make it home again. The storage unit, which looked a bit like something out of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark scene at the end where they show the Federal Warehouse miles of boxes stacked ... has been quite exhausting to get moved back into the house. With the help of some very sweet young people from one of the local churches, everything is now piled in one of the bedrooms and I'll attend to it when I get back from New Jersey. Although I still have dozens of bins and boxes to sort through, it was quite the Christmas gift to come across my FLHS Year Books and read through some of the comments that were written back then. Especially moving were reading Jane Fitzsimmons and Jeff Greenburg's notes ... there are so many fond memories of them for me. Jane and I were best of friends my senior year (class of '73 as I accelerated out early), and Jeff went the Prom with Esther Berger, Jon Harris, and myself the next day we all went to the Shore and had a wonderful time.
Having been encouraged from friends and one of the chaplains I met while in Baghdad, I have been ordained as a Christian Minister. I hold a great and deep abiding faith in my Lord and also a deep and abiding respect for those of all faiths. It's about Love ... in all it's wonderful and various forms ... and getting together with old friends is a part of this memorable journey of life with love.
I look forward to seeing everyone ... but please forgive me when/if senility sets in at times :)
Love & Blessings,
Claudia E. Thomas
My '73 FLHS Year Book Comments (Claudia E. Thomas)
NOTE: Not all the comments were from '74 alumni; however, I think some may know and/or remember a few I've listed. And, since I see Tony Furfero is attending the reunion, I wanted to include his comment also from all those I had from faculty.